Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Grandpa Steve is Back!!

So, it has been a while, but things are going well here in Nashville!  Mama had to have surgery last week and Grandpa Steve came back to visit and take care of me.  We have been having a great time and Mama is recovering well. 

Conversation day one of Grandpa watching me:
Grandpa:  Sam, he sure has been cranking a lot.  Tomorrow I want you to show me how to play that DVD. 
Mama:  Ok, Dad.  I will show you in the morning. 

Conversation day two of Grandpa watching me:
Mama:  How'd it go today, Dad?
Grandpa:  That dvd is worth a million dollars.
Mama:  Oh, how many times did Maverick watch it?
Grandpa:  Ah, just a few.

Conversation day three:
Mama:  How was it today?
Grandpa:  He is such a good baby you shoulda had twins!
WOW!  What a difference a couple of days make!  I really am a good baby! :) 

So, just when Mom thought Grandpa had it all figured out and was a pro at taking care of me she noticed that Grandpa dressed me kinda funny...  Take a look...

Mom was trying not to laugh because her belly was sore, but she couldn't help it!  Grandpa said he thought something seemed off when the buttons were in the front and the picture was in the back, but didn't think too much of it.

Besides that Mama said Grandpa is doing a fabulous job and has asked Grandpa if she could hire him - Grandpa responded back very quickly with "I am not looking for work at the current time."  Darn it anyway!

Here are some random pictures, enjoy!  Hope everyone had a great July! 

Grandpa giving me my bath!  He did a super job!

Here we are on a walk!

Grandpa and I - he put me to sleep!

And one more in my new sunglasses!  How do I look?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Grandpa Steve came to visit us over the weekend of the 22nd.  My 4 month check up was that morning and I got two shots, one in each leg.  I was so brave and only cried for a couple of seconds; Mama said I was a big boy!  Here are my stats:  weight - 16 lbs 1 oz - 75th percentile and height - 26 inches - the 85th percentile!  We all took a visit to Atlanta to visit Uncle Shae, Aunt Lisette, and Cousin Teddy after my big morning. 

Mama brought Cousin Teddy a bubble wand and he showed me how it worked.


Cousin Teddy also let me borrow all of his neat toys from when he was a baby!

                                              Here I am in the swing.

               Teddy helped turn the swing on and play the music and lights. He also sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to me - that was my favorite part!!

We also went to the pool to get some relief from that Georgia heat.

Ok, Mom, ready to go surfing!

Just put my swim diaper on - thanks again to Teddy to let us use one of his!

Ok, so I wasn't a huge fan of the water...

Maybe it's not so bad.

Happy and chillin with Uncle Shae after swim.

Happy, naked baby!

Here is a short video of me laughing at my Mama.  She sure is funny - looking that is!  Hope everybody has a safe and happy 4th of July!