Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hello and Goodbye to May!

May has been a very busy month for us, but I would like to back up to the end of April.  My babysitter was out of town for a week and Aunt Shelley volunteered to watch me for a few days so Mama took me to Atlanta.  It was the longest amount of time I have been away from my Mama and I had so much fun, but I missed my Mama.  We both survived and I had a great time playing with my cousins, Finley and Harper.  I loved going to their gymnastic classes and playing in their big yard!

I started swim lessons at the beginning of May with mixed feelings.  I wasn't really a fan for the first week or two, but I really love them now.  We are four weeks in with just two weeks left.  So far I have learned to hold on to the bar on the side of the pool, swim to the bar, hold my breath, and float on my back.

We have been enjoying the outdoors now that it is getting to feel like summer outside.  We have had a very beautiful spring and last weekend was perfect.  We were very active every day - either swimming, biking, running, or walking.  Cousins Jessica, Josh, and Zachary were in town and we got to meet up with them for dinner on Saturday.  We went to a Japanese Steakhouse and it was really neat, the fire scared me, but I really enjoyed the food. We took Melissa to the Zoo and loved watching all of the animals.  I loved petting the goats at the Petting Zoo and had my first corn dog for lunch, it was delicious.

Here are some photos taken since my last blog update:

On the dog beds at Aunt Shelley's - with a pink headband on - Mia Margaret

Pegasus Unicorn Finley and Scooby Doo Harper

Superman Teddy and Baby Leo

Me being silly after dinner - showing Mama my belly

Brushing my teeth

Reading a book

Swinging in the park

Oliver chewing on a stick

My new ride

Cousin Zachary and me in the grass

Josh and Zachary

Yee haw - out shopping for a bicycle helmet

The zoo was exhausting

On my first bike ride