Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

Greetings all.

What a fantastic month we have had.  We had another fun filled round of that white stuff and got to go out a play in it this time since the temperatures were a bit warmer than the previous ice storm. We went sledding, made snow angels, and built a snow girl.  Our upstairs neighbor had never seen a real live snow girl, so she enjoyed it very much.

We had visitors come all the way from Iowa, Aunt Stephanie and Cousins Amy and Grant.  We all traveled to Roswell to visit all of our other cousins, aunts, and uncles.  The weather was beautiful so we spent a ton of time outdoors jumping on the trampoline, playing t-ball, swinging and sliding in Aunt Shelley and Uncle Matt's backyard.   I had so much fun playing with all of my cousins and was sad to see them go.  We can't wait until we can all be together again.

I love to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf and am using the potty on a pretty normal basis as of the past few weeks or so. I have become quite the chatterbox lately as well. Soon I will be wearing big boy underwear all the time.

Our snow girl

mama and me with our snow girl

Getting ready to sled down the hill

making a snow angel

 our snow angels

busy building with my blocks, it looks like I had some chocolate too

I got new rain boots for the season and I love them

Me and my bestie, Harlow, at our friend, Topher's birthday party

Playing on the slide at the party

Benihana with Cousin Grant, celebrating Cousin Finley's birthday

The birthday girl, she turned 7

Finely and Harper getting ready to eat

Cousin Teddy going down the slide

my turn, we had so much fun playing in the back yard at Uncle Shae and Aunt Lisette's house

Amy pretending Barbie is a phone

Playing outside

Baby Charlie smiles, he is getting so big

Happy St. Patty's Day

I wrapped myself up in the swing at Aunt Shelley and Uncle Matt's, ouch

Picture day - three pretty girls

Four handsome boys

Rub a dub, dub, three cousins in a tub, so fun

Trampoline Fun

puddle jumping

Happy spring!

Maverick James